Anonymous Vote
We recorded $ipVotes Anonymous Votes, totaling $ipVotesTotal points.
Anonymous vote equals $ipVotesWeight point.
Anonymous Votes: represent the number of votes from the fans every 24 hours and are recorded based on IP address and device.
Public Vote
We recorded Public Votes, totaling points.
Public vote equals points.
Public Votes: represent votes that are shared on Twitter and you retweet on your profile. Each public votes have a unique ID.
Pinned Tweet
We recorded $pinnedVotes days with a Pinned Tweet, totaling $pinnedVotesTotal points.
Pinned Tweet equals $pinnedVotesWeight points per day.
A Pinned Tweet must include the @bcamsmagazine and #modelofthemonth hashtags. Our bot will check daily the Twitter Profile.
Pinned Video Tweet
We recorded $pinnedVideoVotes days with a Pinned Video Tweet, totaling $pinnedVideoVotesTotal votes.
Pinned Video Tweet equals $pinnedVideoVotesWeight points per day.
A Pinned Video Tweet must include the @bcamsmagazine and #modelofthemonth hashtags. Our bot will check daily the Twitter Profile.
About checking...
Real-time counting is only for Anonymous Vote; our Bot automatically runs on all profiles at different time, verifying public votes' tweet IDs betwee 2-6 hours or pinned tweets every 24 hours to minimize the risk of being banned!
Total points
= $ipVotesTotalFormula
+ $pinnedVotesTotalFormula
+ $pinnedVideoVotesTotalFormula
Anonymous Votes x $ipVotesWeightFormula
+ Public Votes x
+ Pinned Tweet x $pinnedVotesWeightFormula
+ Pinned Video Tweet x $pinnedVideoVotesWeightFormula